Автор: Snark

  • Mapping at the Nevsky Gate of the Peter and Paul Fortress

    My mapping projection was displayed on the Nevsky Gates of the Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg during the «Miracle of Light 2024» festival.

  • A little news from Tokyo

    В августе проходил фестиваль мэппинга в Японии. Моя работа, хоть и не попала в шорт-лист, была все же спроецирована на фасад Галереи искусств в Токио!

  • «Lullaby» at the festival in Dallas

    Today (October 3rd) the Highland Park Digitarium festival of fulldome films . It’s in Dallas, Texas.My Lullaby will be there too. 🙂 Besides the dome film screenings, there will also be performances by poets and musicians. It all runs until Sunday.

  • My prize is «Sphere of Light»

    Thanks to my friends Alexander Belkov and Yulia Kuznetsova, my prize is «Sphere of Light» from the DomeFest West festival https://www.domefestwest.com/2024-dfw-selections She finally got to me.

  • Bali Exhibition

    I just received an email that from July 12 to 14, my video work, which I made by animating this picture, will participate in an exhibition at the Superlative Gallery (Instagram: @superlative) in Bali. The exhibition is called NEUROCONFLICT, about the interaction of humans and AI.This exhibition will be held in Kazakhstan in September and…

  • Grand Prix at the AI·Metaverse (GAMFF)

    My lullaby won the Grand Prix at the AI·Metaverse Festival (GAMFF) in South Korea!

  • Hurray! My full-dome movie «Lullaby» was recognized as the winner at DOME FEST WEST!

  • Dome Fest West 2024

    More than a year ago, I made a dome film for planetariums-a lullaby. Natalia Faustova sings there, and the whole video sequence was made by me. I think this is the first dome film made using neural networks 🙂 Almost immediately after its release, the film won a prize at the festival in Tokyo. Then he…

  • Dress Design

    Another idea that has been implemented. Make drawings on patterns, and thus create a dress. The tailoring of the dress was realized by Anastasia Nadezhdina. And I did all the graphics. Before sewing, I visualized the board to see what would happen in the end. I really liked the process and what happened. Well, a…

  • A book for Taya

    Another creative project that I want to talk about.Recently, we made a very personal gift for Tai, the daughter of my friend Polina. We decided to create our own fairy tale book for Tai, where she would be the main character! We wrote the text of the fairy tale together with Polina. It turned out…